Sunday, August 29, 2010

Loose Cannon Is Now Available

Today is the day. The record is available in all of it's blown out, tape-saturated, over-driven glory! Please download and begin enjoying at loud volumes! Over the next several weeks I plan to post the lyrics for the songs with a little back story of what each of the songs are about and how they were recorded.

Album Credits:

All Performances By: Michael Ferrari except drums on "Apple" and "Salute To The People" which were written and preformed by Drew Kramer; drums on "Loose Cannon", "Revenge Reprise", "Sweet Potato Pie And A Bullet", "Take Me To The Edge", "Watch Them Burn" and "Tell Me" written and performed by Peter Ferrari.

Cover Design: KLS Marketing

There is really no way to give credit to all who have helped me learn how to talk about music and put it out there for the world to hear, but there are a select few individuals who come to mind: Adam Hann, Ken Mueller, Matt Goss and James Byers.

It should go without saying, but It wont. My family is the biggest reason I have been able to even approach the idea of making a record. I was playing all of the rough mixes for two weeks trying to figure out what needed to change and they listened right along. Eventually I realized that their approval is the only thing that really matters to me. So much of what I have written about for these songs comes from my experiences with Susan, Cole and Cohen. There is no title for what they are, except... Love. Gift. Reason.

I am a little anxious to hear your feedback on this project, but feel confident that the choices I made during it's creation were all intentional and I stand behind them. I hope that the songs poignantly, emotionally and cleverly convey the experiences that they were born from. And I hope that somewhere in them you, the listener find something to connect with. Enjoy!!


  1. 2 things:
    1. You freakin did it!!!
    2. I heart you so!
    Love, Me.

  2. Hey Michael! Loving it! You did a great job. And I already got two favourite songs :)

    1. sweetpotatopie
    2. watchthemburn

    Thank you soooo much!

  3. This is awesome. So excited for you. Sounds great!

  4. the album is amazing, but thats what i expected. in other words.. expectations fulfilled and ear drums blessed. belee dat <-(i keep it gangsta)

  5. You rock! Nicely done Michael and thanks for sharing this with us.

  6. Awesome, awesome music. Though long-awaited, the anticipation didn't overwhelm the result. Great stuff.

  7. Yesss Michael. Love it. It's Substantial and Thoughtful and Rockin and yes, clever. On listen 3...and turning up the volume. :) Looking forward to the upcoming blogs with lyrics and thoughts.

  8. Thanks for this, dude. Burning a CD to put in the car, and listening to it off the computer around the house tonight. loving it.
